It is difficult for the outskirts of Thimphu city to cope with the growing number of cars. The largest issue is parking space. The majority of car owners park on the sides of the roads, putting their vehicles at risk of vandalism and narrowing the roads, since building owners do not provide parking spaces. Landlords are required by law to give their tenants parking space. However, considering how many cars are parked on the side of the road, this appears to be only on paper. According to the Thromde rule, there must be one parking space for every three-bedroom unit and one for every two-bedroom and one-bedroom unit. However, the growing number of automobiles and noncompliance with the rule by landlords is not helping.
But starting next month, car owners will need to exercise caution because the thromde will be closely adhering to the rule. According to an official, parking on the side of the road will result in penalties. Thimphu Thromde had previously announced that parking on the road carriageways would no longer be permitted. Parking will be permitted in the areas that the Thromde has marked off as parking areas. They stated that starting on May 1, the police’s Traffic Division will closely monitor it. Those who previously had basement parking space and converted it to residential space without permission will face penalties, according to officials from the Thromde’s Development Control Division.